The i-stay range of products is perfect for anyone who dislikes a bag strap falling off their shoulder, holds a lot of weight in their bag, hates having their bag dig into their shoulder or travels a lot. The i-stay strap is suitable for any bag that has “D” rings. All of the bags within the i-stay range come complete with an i-stay strap.
The Royal College of Chiropractors has commended the i-stay range for its potential to help users avoid musculoskeletal discomfort and to minimise the aches and pains associated with carrying a heavy shoulder bag.
Launch RangeNon-Slip Bag StrapsFortis RangeLaptop BackpacksCity RangeNon-Slip Camera StrapsTablet BagsTrolley CaseMessenger BagLaptop BagsSlimline RangeLux RangeSafeline RangeCarapace Range
i-stay 15.6” Laptop Gaming Backpack with USB & Anti-Theft - Black/Blue
IS/0310/BLK/NYL/BP Black
£83.99More Info